gPTFE & Aramid in Zebra Braided Packing, Multi-yarn in zebra braided packing consisting of graphited PTFE yarns and aramid, it has excellent lubrication ability and thermal conductivity. - FEITE Sealing Packings Series - Made in China FeiteSeal - Braided Packing Ring is available.
DESCRIPTION: FEITESEAL P231 Graphited PTFE & Aramid in Zebra Braided Packing
Multi-yarn in zebra braided packing consisting of graphited PTFE yarns and aramid fiber, it has excellent lubrication ability and thermal conductivity.
Offers the strength of aramid fibers , the thermal dissipating and low friction property of graphited PTFE. Used in reciprocating pumps, mixers, reactors and valves for petrochemical, paper and sugar industries , power stations.
PTFE and Aramid in Zebra Braided Packing
gPTFE Packing with Aramid in Zebra Braided Packing
Pressure: Rotating 25 bar | Reciprocating 150 bar | Static 200 bar
Shaft speed: 15m/s
Density: 1.45 g/cm3
Temperature : -150~+280°C
H range: 2~12
Any sizes in coils of 5 or 10 kg, other weight on request;
P231r — PTFE or graphited PTFE with Aramid Fiber in Zebra Braided Packing Ring is available.